siberian cattery znatniy zver

About me and my siberian cattery

Neva masquerade and Siberian cats.
I've been doing Neva masquerade cats not so long ago - since 2004. Before I got myself a thoroughbred animal, I set several criteria: fluffy, but with easy care, large, strong, with good immunity and physical health.
And with character, and dedication, and self-respect. And smart. And so that you can hug with both hands. And to have a mustache. And the beauty is native Russian, as in our fairy tales.
And all my charms have been embodied in this breed and my animals.
​What I love! Once you choose such a cat, you will hardly want any other.
Neva masquerade cat is suitable for those who want to have an animal in the house, gentle as a cat and devoted as a dog, who needs a good friend and companion. Cats of this breed are very attached to their owners, like dogs, they are very loyal.
The house and the environment for the Neva Siberian cat are in the background, the main thing for them is to receive love from their owners. At the same time, the Neva masquerade cat does not suffer from obsession and verbosity, and will not constantly climb onto his knees for caresses and meow plaintively.
This animal senses your mood and will come to you only when you are in a good mood and when you are ready to pet and play with it. Loneliness for these animals is not a disaster. It is enough for you to come home from work, play a little and caress your Neva masquerade cat, and this will be quite enough for him.

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